Saturday, September 22, 2012

What's your sign?

Good evening folks and wofolks, here is a special treat for your pupils if they are still awake. This is the beginning of an oil painting of our rat friend, last seen knitting in pencil. I never oil paint, a blatant lie, but it's not because painting isn't fun. I just have interests that get in the way of painting.

I have an interest in not being frustrated about made up problems.
I have an interest in not smelling like a weirdo.
I have an interest in not smudging surprise elbow prints on the wall or some other nice clean surface.
I have cats.

Oil painting is fun, but it's also really not fun. I can understand why painters are the way they are. Maybe not though, for all I know all the painters I've met are Capricorns, and you know how those people can be.